JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous) Ananthapuramu

Sir Mokshagundam Vishveshwariah Road, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh-515002, INDIA

An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

About Us

Department of Chemistry


Courses Supported at UG level

  • Engineering chemistry for B Tech I Year, I semester for Civil, Mechanical, Chemical (Non circuit branch).
  • Chemistry for B Tech I year II semester for EEE, ECE & CSE (Circuit branch).
  • Organic chemistry and analytical chemistry for B Tech II year I semester and II semester respectively for chemical engineering.
  • Chemistry of energy materials (Elective)
  • Chemistry of nonmaterials and applications (Elective)
  • Chemistry of polymers and its applications (Elective)
  • Green chemistry and catalysis for sustainable environment (Elective)

            The syllabus covers both theory and practicals with full emphasis to construct intellectual assets. Besides class-room, laboratory based learning has been made part of the curriculum. The main emphasis of this idea is to make the students gain practical knowledge to correlate with the theoretical studies.


Research program offered:

  • Phil Chemistry
  • PhD Chemistry

            The research areas include analytical and environmental chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, Inorganic and co-ordination chemistry.