JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous) Ananthapuramu
Sir Mokshagundam Vishveshwariah Road, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh-515002, INDIA
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
Hostels & Mess
Dr. K Jithendra Gowd,
Officer In-charge of Hostels,
JNTUA College of Engineering,
Ananthapuramu (Andhra Pradesh)-515001
Email: hosteloffice.jntuacea@gmail.com
To identify technological advancements and build the right level of skills at the right time contributing to the industrial and national growth.
To identify and keep abreast with the state of the art technology maintaining its legacy of striving for excellence in higher education.
To promote world class research of local relevance to society.
With a research community of professors, research fellows and research centres, expand the scale and multidisciplinary character of its research activities.
With a global outlook strive for collaborations to network with International Universities and National Institutes of Research and Higher Learning.