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Introduction of the Library:
The Central Library supports the teaching and research programmers of the Institute and
provides facilities for general reading and disseminates information according to
the requirement of the users.
It is housed in a separate building with a carpet area of 1006.32 Sq.ms,
reading space 504.68 sq. ms.. It has around 85790 including, books,
back volumes of technical national and international journals,
technical pamphlets, standards, CD-ROMs, Video cassettes etc.
The database of entire library acquisitions was created using
Library Application Software Called KOHA software.
The College Central Library caters to the needs of the user community i.e.,
UG and PG students, Research scholars, staff and faculty of the
Jawaharlal Nehru technological University college of Engineering (Autonomous), Ananthapuramu.
The College Central Library was fully automated with bar coding of the books from
the year 2011 KOHA Library Software package. The main features of the
KOHA Software are OPAC, Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serial Control etc.
Building: 1006.32 sq m plinth areas extended in 2 floors.
Ground floor: Thesis, Xerox room ,Staff room, Circulation counter ,Digital Library ,News paper reading room , Magazine section.
First floor : Journal section, Ready reference section Back volume of Journals, Staff room, UPS room
Total Volumes: | 70 |
Total Titles: | 720 |
NO.of Reference Books: | 70 |
Donated Books : | 1270 |
S.No | Journals, Magazines & News papers | Total |
1 | Printed journals-National & International Back volumes | 70 |
2 | Total Titles: | 720 |
3 | NO.of Reference Books: | 70 |
4 | Donated Books : | 1270 |